Woman with hat, Oil on Canvas, 11×14, 2020

Erin‘s classes resumed (although at a new venue–Pikes Peak Artist Collective). Back to studying and imitating the masters. This one was trying on the style of German painter Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938)–of whom I’ll admit I’m not the biggest fan. He was known for his defined outlines, bold colors, and light sketchy brushstrokes. His portraits seemed to convey an emotional element–example below in his Portrait of Gerda. Since I have a great aversion to leaving any unpainted surface, I decided to mimic the outlines, bold colors, and emotion of the subject. I could have worked the background more (Kirchner had some crazy background action in many of his paintings). The model seemed very cold and I think it shows in this painting…tight jaw and pursed lips.

Portrait of Gerda by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 70 x 57 cm, 1914