I think I jinxed my productivity drive in early April for soon after all the kids got sick! Finally getting back to it with this […]
Garden Walk
Another vista from Garden of the Gods. I haven’t been there much since the road has been under construction–despite the detour only being a couple […]
Before the Storm
Another addition to my Section 16 series. I just love it when the sky is dark and the trees are still lit up with sun […]
Stormy Cliff
This Section 16 painting is a little darker being on the backside of the loop. March was a decidedly unproductive mouth (for painting anyway). Training […]
Four Pines
Section 16 series continues…imagine the amount of paintings that would happen if I ever hiked the Colorado Trail!
Shaded Path
Still plugging away at my pile of reference images from Section 16. Still training for the big 10k swim…got my pace up to 1:40/100yd for […]