1316 W Pikes Peak Ave, Oil on Board, 9×12, 2020

Plein air painting again with Chris. Because I was crunched for time, I made two giant mistakes here…1) pulled out a smaller canvas 2) rushed through the drawing part of the painting. I’ve learned over time that bigger is usually better for me in painting–more comfortable, fits my typical brush sizes better, and I tend to not get so sucked into the tiny details. Secondly, I am not the best draftswomen…which means I need to spend some time drawing, not just “winging it.” Because of this, the corner of the house is not 90 degrees (more like 110 degrees!). I added an erroneous tree on the right side to try to mask my boo boo–didn’t really work! Lessons learned, hopefully. That said, I really like the left side of the painting.

Photo of 1316 W Pikes Peak Ave taken by Brie Varney, 2020